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Nationalism and the emergence of Lingala as a supranational language in DR Congo
Nationalism and the emergence of Lingala as a supranational language in DR Congo 1440 720 Center for Research on the Congo-Kinshasa // and theories of second language acquisition in Africa
Multilingualism and theories of second language acquisition in Africa 926 695 Center for Research on the Congo-Kinshasa // Symposium
Congo Symposium 780 450 Center for Research on the Congo-Kinshasa // resurfaced in parts of northeastern Congo’s Ituri province
Violence resurfaced in parts of northeastern Congo’s Ituri province 960 720 Center for Research on the Congo-Kinshasa // is by far Congo’s biggest impediment to progress
Insecurity is by far Congo’s biggest impediment to progress 640 350 Center for Research on the Congo-Kinshasa // protests-hit DRC, a fierce power struggle deepens
In protests-hit DRC, a fierce power struggle deepens 1440 720 Center for Research on the Congo-Kinshasa // CENI dispute marks a new peak in tensions for the coalition government
The CENI dispute marks a new peak in tensions for the coalition government 2560 1922 Center for Research on the Congo-Kinshasa // Catholic Church is the single largest denomination in DRC
The Catholic Church is the single largest denomination in DRC 1080 770 Center for Research on the Congo-Kinshasa //’s the real test at the moment of this protest movement
That’s the real test at the moment of this protest movement 732 419 Center for Research on the Congo-Kinshasa // your Partners
Never rest always in a creative flux.
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